The ALUR law, the law on agriculture, food and forestry (LAAF) and the Biodiversity Plan are encouraging the reclamation of formerly industrialised areas, with the aim of combating the artificialization of land. Against this backdrop, there has been an upsurge in the number of urban and peri-urban remediation projects in recent years.
One of the challenges of these projects is to encourage the creation of natural areas in cities and to restore their general functionality so that residents and users can benefit from the services they provide. However, data on combined ecological rehabilitation and depollution projects remains limited, particularly in terms of the overall functioning of the restored ecosystem. Similarly, there are very few operational tools to guide the design of a redevelopment project in such a way as to encourage the re-establishment of a functional, self-sustaining ecosystem that provides goods and services to the population.
This study proposes a methodological approach for guiding a redevelopment project in such a way as to promote the ecological rehabilitation of the urban ecosystem through the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NBS). An Excel tool has also been developed based on this approach. Using input data specific to a site and entered by the user (manager or industry), it provides access to a list of Nature-based Solutions that can replace conventional solutions with a high impact. The tool also provides indicators for monitoring ecosystem functions and services, so that the success of the ecological rehabilitation implemented on the site can be measured.
An appropriation workshop bringing together RECORD members and external guests concluded this work and initiated the dissemination and knowledge of the tool among stakeholders.
Publication date: June 2021
Achievement: Biotope, BRGM, Vertigo Lab
Reference: RECORD, Outil de conception et de suivi de la réhabilitation écologique de sites dégradés intégrant les solutions fondées sur la nature. Exemples d’application en contexte urbain, 2021, 111 p, n°19-1024/1A
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