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Waste and the circular economy: CARAVADE, a collaborative database to facilitate the use of waste as a raw material


This database, created by RECORD, is freely accessible on the Internet. It lists the regulatory texts governing waste treatment and characterisation, the standards governing sampling and characterisation, and the main guides recommending waste characterisation procedures with a view to recovery/disposal or describing the types of waste that are acceptable in each sector. A new version has been available since 2019. On this occasion, the database becomes collaborative. Everyone is invited to contribute to the website, to add to the information available and keep the site as complete and up-to-date as possible.
This database complements the book RECORD: Déchets et économie circulaire - Conditions d'intégration pour une valorisation en filières industrielles - ed. LAVOISIER

Keywords: caravade, base de données, économie circulaire, caractérisation, normes, guides, textes réglementaires, réglementation, déchets, matériaux secondaires

Publication date: June 2019

Achievement: ECOGEOS

Reference: 18-0168/1A


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