Given the need for a structured structure and a forum for exchange on the issues involved in global environmental assessment, RECORD's members wanted to carry out a study to assess the desirability of a cooperative research structure focusing on this type of issue (environmental quantification, including Life Cycle Assessment and other complementary approaches). The work consisted of - a survey of around thirty major companies to assess their needs in terms of research and studies into LCA (and other complementary approaches); - a mapping phase of current research players in these fields; - the formulation of initial recommendations for setting up a future structure. The conclusions of the study confirm the interest in, and need for, the creation of a collaborative LCA research structure, essentially governed by companies. This work led to the creation in March 2012 of the SCORE LCA Association (, based on the RECORD model. Since then, SCORE LCA has carried out a great deal of work on environmental assessment methods, in particular life cycle assessment (LCA), and their practical application.
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