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Photochemical ozone creation potentials (POCP): a new set of characterization factors for different gas species at the sclae of the Western Europe. Improvement of the characterization factors used in life cycle analysis (LCA)


Photochemical Ozone Creation Potentials (PCOPs) are used in LCAs to assess the impact category "photo-oxidant formation". The data available at the time for several VOCs had been obtained for specific meteorological and emission conditions. This study proposes an improved set of PCOPs that are more relevant for assessing the effects of ozone on health and the environment. In order to calculate these PCOPs for Western Europe independently of a specific period or location, a numerical chemistry and transport model (CHIMERE continental) was implemented for three summer seasons. New POCP values were determined for 10 VOC, CO and NOx compounds and compared with previous studies. For better readability, the comparative analysis of the indicators was carried out using the results of public LCA inventories.

Keywords: formation de photo-oxydants, potentiel de création d'ozone photo-chimique, PCOP, composé organique volatil, oxydes d'azote, modèle eulérien de photo-transport, test de sensibilité, linéarité

Publication date: January 2004

Achievement: Bio Intelligence Service, IPSL

Reference: 01-1007/1A


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