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Pollutants and flue-gas treatment technologies. Case on Waste to Energy Recovery Center. State of the art


Improving the treatment and recovery of domestic and industrial waste is one of the main objectives of the Grenelle Environment Forum. New regulations require the most efficient technologies to be put in place. Les polluants et les techniques d'épuration des fumées (Pollutants and flue gas cleaning techniques) is part of this programme. In this second, updated edition, the book is enriched with the latest technological data to comply with this regulatory framework.

Understanding pollutants for better control
The first part of the book sets out, in the form of fact sheets, the characteristics and impacts of the various gaseous and particulate pollutants generated by incineration. The formation processes are detailed, as are the emission limits currently authorised in France and Europe. The methods used to measure and analyse pollutants are highlighted, enabling the reader to fully understand the physical limits of pollutant monitoring. After a review of the different combustion technologies currently in use, the book details all the downstream pollutant abatement technologies available or under development, their operating principles for each of the pollutants identified, and the equipment manufacturers who are potential suppliers in this industrial sector. The purification performance of the various processes is systematically reported, in relation to their operating costs, in terms of consumption of reagents or elimination of the by-products of abatement reactions. An almost exhaustive summary of the subject, with a specialised bibliography, this book is a must for many users: industrialists, safety and environment managers at production plants, managers and designers of waste treatment centres, air and environmental quality control agencies, representatives of associations and local authorities, teachers and students at engineering schools and universities (process engineering, environmental management).

Keywords: incinération, traitement des fumées, polluants, traitement sec, semi-sec, humide, réactifs calciques, sodiques, absorption, SNCR, SCR, reburning, adsorption, voie combinée, oxydation thermique, condensation, bioprocédés, incineration, smoke remediation, flue-gas cleaning processes, pollutants, wet, semi-dry and dry scrubbing processes, limestone and sodium reagent, absorption, selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR), selective catalytic reduction (SCR), re-burning, adsorption, combined processes, thermal oxidation, condensate, bio-processes

Publication date: September 2009


Reference: 08-0227/1A

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