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PhD thesis : Advanced recombustion technologies for nitrogen oxides - Study of the efficiency of NHi promoter compounds


The aim of this work is to gain a better understanding of the chemical mechanisms involved in the formation and consumption of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx). To achieve this, we first studied the structure of four CH4/O2/N2/NO/NH3 premixed flames, focusing on the key species CH2, CH3, NH3, HCN and NO. The mole fraction profiles of the species present in the flames were obtained using Molecular Beam/Mass Spectrometry (MB/MS) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) absorption spectroscopy. In order to approximate the operating conditions encountered in industrial installations, a preliminary study of the recombustion of nitrogen oxides by methane was also carried out on a semi-pilot reactor. Analysis of the experimental results was supplemented by modelling calculations based on detailed chemical reference mechanisms.

Keywords: flamme de prémélange, combustion, spectrométrie de masse (SM), spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (IRTF), oxydes d’azote, ammoniac, cinétique, mécanismes chimiques détaillés, analyse des voies réactionnelles, modélisation, techniques de réduction des NOx, recombustion

Publication date: April 2007

Achievement: UST Lille

Reference: 05-0222/4A


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