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Corrosion / erosion / deposition interaction processes in waste thermal treatment chambers. State of the art


At a time when technological choices are being made between incineration and new thermal treatment methods, this review highlights the whole issue of erosion, corrosion and deposition (ECD) phenomena encountered in waste thermal treatment chambers, both for conventional installations and for new processes. In this work, the focus is on wall-fume interactions, at different thresholds of temperature and treatment atmosphere. In addition to a description of the phenomena and the methods used to characterise them, the solutions proposed in the literature are presented, including process control and the use of more resistant materials.

Keywords: incineration, fours, déchets, pathologie, corrosion, érosion, dépots, CED, matériaux, revetements

Publication date: January 2006

Achievement: PROCEDIS

Reference: 03-0223/1A


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