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Uptake of recycled plastics : feedback on european initiatives and political incentives regarding the uptake of recycled plastics in manufactured goods


This study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the effectiveness of incentives for the incorporation and use of recycled plastics implemented in France and in 8 member countries*.

The first part of the study takes stock of the recycled plastics market, focusing mainly on the barriers and growth dynamics, and provides an overview of the regulatory frameworks governing plastics recycling and circularity. The following chapters analyse the incentive mechanisms, voluntary commitments and green deals that are deemed to contribute most to the incorporation of recycled plastics, and those that have proved unsuitable or counter-productive. Within the
limits of the available data (still not very centralised to date) and the very rapid evolution of paradigms, the results of each measure are studied and are accompanied by an analysis of the key success and failure factors and a country analysis, intended to contextualise the results.

The final part of the study proposes action levers designed to remove the main obstacles to greater incorporation of recycled plastics.

* Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

Keywords: Bonnes pratiques, engagements volontaires, green deals, incorporation de plastiques recyclés, Matière Première de Recyclage, mécanismes d’incitations, plastiques, recyclage, Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Royaume-Uni, Suède, Best practices, voluntary commitments, green deals, uptake of recycled plastics, secondary raw material, incentive schemes, plastics, recycling, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, UK, Sweden, France

Publication date: September 2021

Achievement: GESRI, Sésame

Reference: RECORD, Incorporation de plastiques recyclés : retours d'expériences européens sur les initiatives et politiques d'incitation à l'incorporation de matières plastiques issues du recyclage, 2021, 117 p, n°20-0816/1A


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