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Inventory on thermal waste treatment processes regulations that differ from incineration waste treatment - Worldwide comparative study about environmental permitting procedures


The development of new processes for the thermal treatment of waste, such as pyrolysis, gasification and oxycombustion, raises the question of the regulatory status of these new facilities. This is why RECORD wanted to study the regulatory requirements for these facilities in France and Europe, as well as the authorisation procedures in different countries. The report consists of: - a review of thermal treatment technologies, operating methods, associated equipment and the environmental aspects inherent in their operation; - a study of the regulations applicable to the thermal treatment of waste: an inventory of all the current and planned regulatory requirements applicable to these treatments (directives, standard decrees, BREFs, etc.); - a comparative review of the regulatory procedures applicable to new thermal treatment technologies internationally: an inventory of the facilities currently operating for these processes and an analysis of the authorisation decrees.

Keywords: incinération, IED, traitements thermiques, réglementation, BREF, autorisation, résidu, rejet atmosphérique, sortie du statut de déchet, pyrolyse (thermolyse), gazéification, oxydation des boues, désorption thermique, vitrification déchets, incineration, IED, Thermal waste treatment, regulation, BREF, environmental permit, residual, atmospheric emission , end of waste

Publication date: October 2011

Achievement: CADET International

Reference: 09-0813/1A


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