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Utilisation of genotoxicity tests for monitoring exposure of workers in waste treatment and recycling industry


Monitoring workers exposed to CMR* agents is a major occupational health issue, and one that fully concerns waste industry workers. In this context, the use of genotoxicity tests may represent an interesting innovative approach. This study establishes the state of the art regarding the use of these tests for monitoring personnel. The principle, advantages and limitations of the main genotoxicity tests are presented. Their application in the overall context of occupational medicine is then addressed by means of a literature review supplemented by interviews with scientific and medical specialists.

* Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic

Keywords: risque sanitaire, exposition CMR, personnel des déchets, tests de génotoxicité, health risk, CMR exposition, waste staff, genotoxic tests

Publication date: May 2009

Achievement: SeRAIC/INSERM U620/Université Rennes 1, Ecole des Métiers de l'Environnement

Reference: 07-0667/1A


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