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CO2 reuse. State of the art and expert opinion. Case of waste treatment activities


This comprehensive, well-illustrated RECORD document looks at the various ways of recovering CO2 (the main man-made greenhouse gas). Processes such as methanation, microalgae cultivation and mineralisation (and many others!) are examined. One of the high added-value points of this work is that it draws heavily on the opinions of international experts. The entry point for this study is CO2 from waste recovery/treatment activities, but it will be of interest to anyone wishing to know about the current state of development of CO2 conversion/recovering methods and, above all, their respective development potential. This work builds on a previous RECORD study on CO2 capture processes (ref. 11-0236/1A).

Keywords: CO2, Déchets, valorisation, économie circulaire, Inventaire d’émission, Récupération Assistée des Hydrocarbures, Géothermie profonde, Minéralisation ex-situ, Synthèse organique, Hydrogénation, Méthanation, Reformage sec, Electrolyse, Thermochimie, Culture de microalgues, Biocatalyse, CO2 uses, waste, recycling, circular economy, emission inventory, Enhanced Oil Recovery, deep geothermal, ex-situ mineralization, chemical synthesis, hydrogenation, méthanation, power to gas, dry reforming, electrolysis, thermochemistry, microalgae, Biocatalysis

Publication date: September 2014

Achievement: APESA

Reference: 12-0237/1A


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