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State of the Art on the Potential of Bioaugmentation Techniques in the Treatment of Wastes, Sediments and Contaminated Soils


What is the potential of techniques using exogenous micro-organisms (natural or genetically modified) in the biotreatment of waste, soil or sediment? To answer this question, this paper reviews the research that has been carried out (laboratory and on-site experiments). The study also includes a critical assessment of the consortia on the market and a regulatory review of the conditions under which these techniques are used.

Keywords: Bioaugmentation, biotraitement, flores exogènes, génie génétique, bioremédiation, consortiums microbiens, kits commerciaux, biotreatment, exogenous flora, genetic engineering, bioremediation, microbial consortia, commercial kits

Publication date: March 2009

Achievement: IPL SEDE, INSA de LYON

Reference: 07-0417/1A


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