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Public communication, concertation and participation during the implementation of industrial waste treatment facilities. Feedback on experiences


This study focuses on the process of communication, consultation and/or public participation in connection with the construction or operation of an industrial waste treatment/recovery facility. This study focuses specifically on projects carried out by private bodies and therefore does not cover projects for which local authorities are the contracting authority. 
More specifically, this study provides anyone working in the waste sector or in the field of consultation with:
1. a summary of the regulatory obligations of companies in terms of information and communication
2. a catalogue of examples of processes for setting up waste treatment/recovery facilities during which there have been communication, consultation and/or public participation actions
3. six case studies in France: 2 projects involving applications to extend existing activities, 4 new projects
4. recommendations for carrying out a project to set up or extend the activities of a facility under optimum conditions of trust and dialogue; these are set out in the form of a "scheme for integrating consultation into the permit application process".

The analysis of regulatory obligations is a succinct presentation of the main legislation applicable in Europe and France, but is neither exhaustive nor exhaustive. The catalogue of examples describes various methods found in the literature. These methods are either theoretical or the result of specific experience. The case studies concern 2 projects involving applications to extend the activity and 4 new projects. Of these new projects, two are part of a more global approach open to a large number of public, private and other stakeholders. The recommendations are based on theoretical analysis, case studies and the viewpoints of the various stakeholders we met. They are set out in a "scheme for integrating consultation into the permit application process", which identifies the conditions that are necessary, but not necessarily sufficient, for a project to set up or extend an industrial waste treatment facility to have a chance of succeeding.

Keywords: Déchets, Traitement, Concertation, Compensation, communication, NIMBY, installation existante, installation nouvelle, Waste, Treatment

Publication date: August 2008


Reference: 06-0717/1A


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