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Processes for CO2 capture. Context of thermal waste treatment units. State of the art


Although small (2.5% of GHG emissions in France), the thermal treatment of waste emits CO2. It is therefore necessary to think about how to control and reduce these emissions. With this in mind, RECORD has commissioned a study of the possibilities for capturing CO2 using techniques that are already available or that should be available by 2020. The aim of this study is to examine CO2 capture techniques in detail (post-combustion, pre-combustion, oxy-combustion), comparing them with the reality of waste thermal treatment units. It shows that this can be similar to the case of thermal power plants for electricity production (in particular flow rates and flue gas conditions), but that projects specific to "waste" units will nevertheless be necessary (validation of the technical feasibility and assessment of the possible additional cost). Beyond the waste sector, this report will be of interest to any industry looking for very recent information, analysed by specialists, on the possibilities of CO2 capture. This work is backed up by another RECORD study into ways of recovering CO2 (ref. 12-0237/1A).

Keywords: dioxyde de Carbone (CO2), captage et stockage de CO2 (CCS), captage de CO2 (CC), déchets solides, Unité d'Incinération d'Ordures Ménagères (UIOM), combustion, gazéification, pyrolyse, postcombustion, oxycombustion, précombustion, production d'hydrogène, absorption, adsorption, cryogénie, membranes, carbon dioxide (CO2), Greenhouse Gases (GHG), Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Carbon Capture (CC), solid waste, municipal waste incineration unit, combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, postcombustion, oxycombustion, precombustion, hydrogen production, absorption, adsorption, cryogenic plant, membranes

Publication date: January 2013

Achievement: PROGEPI - Nancy, Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés (LRGP) – Nancy

Reference: 11-0236/1A


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