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Treatment of refractory COD and micropollutants from liquid effluents. Study, interests and limitations of advanced oxidation processes


The presence of little or non-biodegradable organic micropollutants in wastewater and industrial effluents is now a major environmental concern. The biological processes used in wastewater treatment plants do not allow them to be completely eliminated, so effective treatments need to be put in place. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) make it possible to go further in the degradation of these refractory molecules. The aim of this study is therefore to review the state of the art in AOPs for treating hard COD and recalcitrant micropollutants in liquid effluents. The first part of the study is devoted to presenting POAs, with a focus on electrochemical and sonochemical processes. They are then compared against each other on technical, economic and environmental criteria. The relevance of these innovative processes is then assessed in comparison with more conventional processes such as adsorption, ozonation and membrane filtration.

Keywords: Oxydation, Procédés d’Oxydation Avancée, POA, DCO dure, polluants émergents, filtration membranaire, osmose inverse, adsorption, charbon actif, effluent liquide, matière organique réfractaire, Oxidation, Advanced Oxidation Process, AOP, refractory COD, emerging pollutants, membrane filtration, reverse osmosis, adsorption, activated carbon, wastewater, refractory organic matter

Publication date: January 2020

Achievement: APESA

Reference: 18-0336/1A


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