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Odour nuisance, odour sources, regulatory framework, measurement techniques and treatment processes. State of the art


Odours are a real issue for the acceptance of industrial facilities, and are at the heart of the environmental priorities of waste treatment plants. In this context, this book provides an analysis of odour nuisance problems in the sector, particularly in landfill sites, composting plants and wastewater treatment plants. It provides information on :
- identifying the compounds emitted,
- the legislation applied within the European Community,
- measuring odours (taking into account chemical, physiological, hedonic and sociological parameters),
- choosing the most appropriate technical solution, effective in terms of odour abatement and economically acceptable.

Keywords: odeurs, mesure, détection, olfactométrie, nez

Publication date: March 2006

Achievement: LGEI - Ecole des Mines d’Alès, LACE - Université Claude Bernard, Lyon I

Reference: 03-0808//0809/1A


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